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aria2 server with gui, python/desktop/remote downloader
带有GUI的aria2服务器,可作为 python/桌面/远程 下载器


This repo is a work in progress...


Due to time constraints, I have decided to halt the development of this project. Originally, I intended to create a remote Python downloader, but it turns out that using Python for GUI development is not a good approach.

The project currently has a demo version available for use. Please refer to the following instructions to use it.

If needed, feel free to fork this project.

Alternative projects that can be used instead: aria2p, persepolis.


A remote downloader with account management and login system.

  • Frontend: nicegui and AriaNg.
  • Backend: aria2, FastAPI, and uvicorn.
  • Database management: alembic and sqlalchemy.
  • Login system management: fastapi-user.
  • CLI program: typer.

Additionally, it includes an SSL self-signed certificate generator src/aria2_server/cli/utils/


git clone
cd aria2-server-gui
python -m pip install -e .

aria2-server --help

CI/CD CI: lint-test status
CI: docs CI: publish
Code codecov Code style: black Ruff Checked with pyright
Package PyPI - Version PyPI - Downloads PyPI - Python Version
Meta Hatch project GitHub License


Source Code:


English is not the native language of the author (me), so if you find any areas for improvement in the documentation, your feedback is welcome.

If you think this project helpful, consider giving it a star GitHub Repo stars, which makes me happy. 😄

for develeoper 1. 修改所有带有 `EDIT` 注释的地方 2. 按照[pypa](的指南去 `pypi` 申请 `Trusted Publisher` 3. 删掉本用法部分 纯python打包参考 带有不同平台的二进制依赖打包参考