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Using tauri plugins

The Tauri team and community have developed some plugins, you can use them by:

  1. Official Tauri plugins usually provide corresponding JavaScript APIs, which you can use directly on the frontend.
  2. Write your own Rust functions using pyo3 and expose them to Python.

PyTauri has provided Python APIs for some Tauri plugins using the second method, and they are called pytauri-plugin-*.

Below, we use pytauri-plugin-notification as an example to demonstrate how to use pytauri plugins.

Using the plugin

install tauri plugin

All PyTauri plugins are just Python bindings, which means you need to initialize the underlying Tauri extensions normally:

pnpm tauri add notification

expose the pyo3 bingings to python

PyTauri plugins usually export their pyo3 API with the following conventions:

  1. Export a Rust mod with the same name as the plugin at the top level.
  2. Export a function named pymodule_export at the top level.
    • The pyo3 API of pytauri itself is exported in this way: pytauri::pymodule_export

pytauri-plugin-notification uses the first method.

Add the rust dependency:

cd src-tauri
cargo add pytauri-plugin-notification@0.1.0-beta.0
cd ..

ref to to export the pyo3 bindings:

use pyo3::prelude::*;
// ...

#[pymodule(gil_used = false)]
#[pyo3(name = "ext_mod")]
pub mod ext_mod {

    use pytauri_plugin_notification::notification;

    // ...

use plugin api from python

Add the python dependency:

# ...

# ...
dependencies = [
    # ...
    "pytauri-plugin-notification == 0.1.*",


After adding dependencies, you need to use commands like uv sync or uv pip install to synchronize your dependency environment.

The PyTauri API maps very well to the original Rust API of the plugin. You can refer to the Rust documentation to understand how to use it:

import sys

from pydantic import BaseModel
from pytauri import AppHandle, Commands
from pytauri_plugin_notification import NotificationBuilderArgs, NotificationExt

commands: Commands = Commands()

class Person(BaseModel):
    name: str

class Greeting(BaseModel):
    message: str

async def greet(body: Person, app_handle: AppHandle) -> Greeting:
    notification_builder = NotificationExt.builder(app_handle)
        NotificationBuilderArgs(title="Greeting", body=f"Hello, {}!")

    return Greeting(
        message=f"Hello, {}! You've been greeted from Python {sys.version}!"