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FastAPI Helper


FastAPI Helper Module need FastAPI installed.

There are two helper modules to get FastAPI app/router for proxy conveniently.


use is very convenient and out of the box, there are three helper functions:


from import reverse_http_app
from httpx import AsyncClient

client = AsyncClient()  # (1)!
base_url = ""  # (2)!

app = reverse_http_app(client=client, base_url=base_url)
  1. You can pass httpx.AsyncClient instance:
    • if you want to customize the arguments, e.g. httpx.AsyncClient(proxies={})
    • if you want to reuse the connection pool of httpx.AsyncClient

    Or you can pass None(The default value), then fastapi-proxy-lib will create a new httpx.AsyncClient instance for you.

  2. Note

    The base_url must end with /!

For other app helpers, please refer to their API references.


For the following scenarios, you might prefer fastapi_proxy_lib.fastapi.router:

Please refer to the documentation of RouterHelper for more information .