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For the following scenarios, you might prefer fastapi_proxy_lib.core:

  • When you need to use proxies with only Starlette dependencies (without FastAPI).
  • When you need more fine-grained control over parameters and lifespan event.
  • When you need to further process the input and output before and after the proxy (similar to middleware).

We will demonstrate with FastAPI, but you can completely switch to the Starlette approach, which is officially supported by this project.

Starlette Support

Please visit the ReverseHttpProxy#examples to view the demo with annotations .

Also (without annotations):

Modify request

In some cases, you may want to make final modifications before sending a request, such as performing behind-the-scenes authentication by modifying the headers of request.

httpx provides comprehensive authentication support, and fastapi-proxy-lib offers first-class support for httpx.


You can refer following example to implement a simple authentication:

from import Generator
from typing import Any

import httpx
from httpx import Request

from import reverse_http_app

class MyCustomAuth(httpx.Auth):
    # ref:

    def __init__(self, token: str):
        self.token = token

    def auth_flow(self, request: httpx.Request) -> Generator[Request, Any, None]:
        # Send the request, with a custom `X-Authentication` header.
        request.headers["X-Authentication"] = self.token
        yield request

app = reverse_http_app(

visit /headers to see the result which contains "X-Authentication": "bearer_token" header.

Modify response

In some cases, you may want to make final modifications before return the response to the client, such as transcoding video response streams.

See issue#15

You can refer following example to modify the response:

from import AsyncIterator
from contextlib import asynccontextmanager

from fastapi import FastAPI
from starlette.requests import Request
from starlette.responses import AsyncContentStream, StreamingResponse

from fastapi_proxy_lib.core.http import ReverseHttpProxy

proxy = ReverseHttpProxy(base_url="")

async def close_proxy_event(_: FastAPI) -> AsyncIterator[None]:
    """Close proxy."""
    await proxy.aclose()

app = FastAPI(lifespan=close_proxy_event)

async def new_content(origin_content: AsyncContentStream) -> AsyncContentStream:
    """Fake content processing."""
    async for chunk in origin_content:
        # do some processing with chunk, e.g transcoding,
        # here we just print and return it as an example.
        yield chunk

async def _(request: Request, path: str = ""):
    proxy_response = await proxy.proxy(request=request, path=path)

    if isinstance(proxy_response, StreamingResponse):
        # get the origin content stream
        old_content = proxy_response.body_iterator

        new_resp = StreamingResponse(
        return new_resp

    return proxy_response

visit /, you will notice that the response body is printed to the console.

Modify (redefine) response only to particular endpoint

from import AsyncIterator
from contextlib import asynccontextmanager

from fastapi import FastAPI
from starlette.requests import Request

from fastapi_proxy_lib.core.http import ReverseHttpProxy

proxy = ReverseHttpProxy(base_url="")

async def close_proxy_event(_: FastAPI) -> AsyncIterator[None]:
    """Close proxy."""
    await proxy.aclose()

app = FastAPI(lifespan=close_proxy_event)

async def _(request: Request, path: str = ""):
    if path == "ip" and request.method == "GET":
        return {"msg": "Method is redefined"}
        return await proxy.proxy(request=request, path=path)

In this example all requests except GET /ip will be passed to

# we assume your proxy server is running on ``

# from `` which is proxied
curl   # { "user-agent": "curl/7.81.0" }
# from your fastapi app
curl           # { "msg":"Method is redefined" }