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__all__ module-attribute

__all__ = ('GLOBAL_CONFIG', 'reload', 'schemas')

GLOBAL_CONFIG module-attribute

GLOBAL_CONFIG = reload()


    config: Optional[Config] = None,
    _reload_nicegui: bool = True,
) -> Config

This unstable api that only be used internally.

This function should be called at the very beginning of the program lifecycle, before importing other aria2_server modules, and preferably only called once throughout. Otherwise, it might fail to fully reload the new config.

If you want to launch the app again, you should call this function.


Name Type Description Default
config Optional[Config]

The new config to be reloaded. If None, will reload the default config. If you just want to reload for launch the app again, you should pass the previous config. e.g. reload(config.GLOBAL_CONFIG)

_reload_nicegui bool

Whether to reload nicegui module. Usually, you should set it to True, so that you can launch the whole app again. The argument is private, we keep it here just for debugging purpose.

Source code in src/aria2_server/config/
def reload(
    config: Optional[schemas.Config] = None, _reload_nicegui: bool = True
) -> Config:
    """This unstable api that only be used internally.

    This function should be called at the very beginning of the program lifecycle,
    **before importing other `aria2_server` modules**,
    and preferably only called once throughout.
    Otherwise, it might fail to fully reload the new config.

    If you want to launch the app again, you should call this function.

        config: The new config to be reloaded. If `None`, will reload the default config.
            If you just want to reload for launch the app again, you should pass the previous config.
            e.g. `reload(config.GLOBAL_CONFIG)`
        _reload_nicegui: Whether to reload `nicegui` module.
            Usually, you should set it to `True`, so that you can launch the whole app again.
            The argument is private, we keep it here just for debugging purpose.

    global _is_loaded, GLOBAL_CONFIG

    # When the module is imported for the first time,
    # `_is_loaded` is `False`, so we just return the config to `GLOBAL_CONFIG`.
    # After loaded, `_is_loaded` will be set to `True`,
    # so the next time we call `reload()`, we can execute the following code.
    if not _is_loaded:
        _is_loaded = True
        return Config()

    # NOTE: assign before reloading modules,
    # so that we can reflect the changes to all modules.
    GLOBAL_CONFIG = config if config is not None else Config()  # pyright: ignore[reportConstantRedefinition]

    modules_name_need_reload = ["aria2_server"]
    if _reload_nicegui:

    # TODO: There is another way to reload `nicegui`,
    # See

    # NOTE: Reload the module consistently with the order it was imported.
    modules_need_reload = [
        for module_name, module in sys.modules.copy().items()
        if module_name.startswith(tuple(modules_name_need_reload))
    for module in modules_need_reload:

    # NOTE: when reloading, the `_is_loaded` will be reset to `False`,
    # so remember to set it to `True` again.
    _is_loaded = True
    return GLOBAL_CONFIG